It's been raining for two days now with Tropical Storm Lee upon us. I could have snuck in a run yesterday morning while it was just drizzling but I'd run 6 miles the day before and running two days in a row angers my knees.
So yesterday I dug out my trainer and some Spinnerval DVDs to get in a workout. I did on of the Time Trial ones and got in a good sweat fest in my living room. By the end I was hating Troy Jacobson.
Today I decided to go in a different direction and went with Rodney Yee's, "Yoga Conditioning for Athletes". And I'll tell you what - I have missed yoga. This is by far my favorite of his DVDs and now my body is thanking me.
A perfect thing to do on a rainy afternoon. Namaste.
My favorite too. I think I have the dvd memorized!