Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hope It's The Heat

It's really, really humid and hot here in Mississippi.  My training run pace and cycling speed is getting slower and slower and slower.  It is depressing.  I hope it's the heat! 

I'm ready for fall.


  1. Sorry, but it will be almost winter before it's cool around here, but congrats on the Sunfish race. Sounds like a great day for you.

  2. Sounds familiar! You might get used to it right around October, just when it starts to get cool, but then you'll be loving it as suddenly you will get blindingly fast.

  3. Even my easy runs are hard right now!

  4. We have the same thing in Missouri. When it gets like this, you have to take on the "That which doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger" mentality.
